St. John the Baptist Parish

The parish community of St. John the Baptist reflects the many faces and races of God’s children in its rich diversity of culture and spirit of faith that we celebrate together. Our faith-based values in Christ build unity, foster our youth, celebrate our diversity, respect our traditions and encourage us to serve others.

On this page:

Mass Schedule

Masses in English


10:00 AM* and 5:00 PM*

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday

7:30 AM and 12:05 PM


8:30 AM (school year only) and 12:05 PM


5:00 PM*

*Masses fulfilling Sunday obligation.

Sacrament of Reconciliation

Saturdays, 3:30 To 4:15 PM

Misas en Español


8:00 AM* and 12:00 PM*


7:00 PM

Viernes (primer Viernes del mes)

7:00 PM


7:00 PM*

*Misas Dominicales de obligación.

Sacramento de Reconciliación

Sabados, 3:30 To 4:15 PM

Office Hours

St. John the Baptist office hours are Monday through Friday, 10 AM to Noon and 1 PM to 5PM. Telephone: 707-226-9379.

Anointing of the Sick

For Anointing of the Sick please call 707-307-3850.

Para la Unción de los Enfermos únicamente, por favor, llame al 707-307-8350.

Perpetual Adoration Chapel

The Saint Pope John Paul II Adoration Chapel is open 24/7 to those of any faith who wish to come to a private, quiet sanctuary to pray (ID cards are required between 11 pm and 6 am). Volunteers are responsible for making sure all hours of adoration of the Blessed Sacrament are covered and for overseeing maintenance of the Chapel.

Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration is simply our response to Jesus’ love whereby we spend a quiet holy time of prayer in His Eucharistic Presence. Adoration helps us become more personally involved with Christ because it makes the Eucharist more central in our lives. In our special Adoration chapel, adorned with inspiring murals by local artist David Huddleston, the Eucharist is displayed in a special holder called a monstrance and people come to pray and worship Jesus continually throughout the day and night. Christ’s great love for us was shown when he was crucified on the cross and offered himself to give us eternal life. He continues to offer himself to us in the holy sacrament of the Eucharist.

For more information or to volunteer, please contact Carole Gruss 707-255-6469.

St. John the Baptist School

St. John the Baptist Catholic School is an educational ministry of St. John the Baptist Catholic Parish. The school offers a challenging academic program in a safe, stimulating and Christ-centered community. The faculty, in cooperation with parents and parish, provides the students with opportunities, values and experiences to become conscientious and contributing members of society.

Click for more information about the school.

Mission | Vision | Values

Our Mission

Coming together in faith to pray and follow in the path of Jesus Christ, to serve as committed stewards of our Catholic faith through our parish church and school, and to minister with compassion to each other and our community.

Our Vision

Renewing our individual faith and our faith family through prayer, celebration, mutual support, inclusivity and hospitality, that we might walk more closely with God in Jesus Christ.

Our Values

Build unity, foster youth, celebrate diversity, respect traditions, and serve others.